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Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Install Site Reliability Operations (SRO)
  2. Verify Service Map
    1. Locate Service Map YAML File in GitHub
    2. Review Service Map
  3. Register Services
    1. Configure Pipeline
    2. Run Pipeline
  4. Configure Site Reliability Operations
    1. Create new Teams
    2. Assign all Services to the new Team
    3. Review the Service Map


Install Site Reliability Operations (SRO)

Site Reliability Operations (SRO) increases the visibility of microservices in a single workspace by onboarding distributed teams and registering services in minutes. ​Quickly connect services to telemetry via Webhook integrations and resolve incidents faster with alert automation. Installation is as folows:

  1. Login to your SN Instance as Administrator

  2. Navigate to the System Definition > Plugins and install or activate the following plugins:

    Plugin Name Plugin ID
    Site Reliability Operations V14.0.2 sn_sro

Verify Service Map

Locate Service Map YAML File in GitHub

  1. Browse to GitHub

  2. Navigate to your GitHub Repository (e.g. cassandra)

  3. Locate the registration/boutique.json file

Review Service Map

  1. Verify all services and relationships are valid

    Boutique Json

Register Services

Configure Pipeline

  1. Sign In to Azure DevOps

  2. Select the Boutique Project (e.g. cassandra) you configured earlier.

  3. Navigate to Pipelines > All and create an azure-pipelines folder, if it does not exist.

  4. Navigate to the azure-pipelines folder and press Create Pipeline

  5. For the Where is your code? prompt, select GitHub

  6. For the Select a repository prompt, select your GitHub Repository.

  7. Press Approve and Install

  8. Enter your GitHub password if prompted.

  9. At the Configure your pipeline prompt, select Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file

  10. At the Select an existing YAML file prompt, set fields as follows:

    Field Value
    Branch main
    Path /azure-pipelines/register-services.yml
  11. Press Continue to review your pipeline YAML.

  12. Create the following Pipeline Variables:

    Name Value Keep this value secret Let users override this value when running this pipeline
    SERVICE_MAP boutique False True
  13. Using the Run Button, select Save Pipeline

  14. Rename Pipeline as follows:

    Field Value
    Name register-services
    Select folder \azure-pipelines

Run Pipeline

  1. Press Run Pipeline

  2. Review Variables and press Run

  3. Monitor the Pipeline and make sure it runs successfully

    Register Services

Configure Site Reliability Operations

Create new Teams

  1. Navigate to Site Reliability Operations > Site Teams > All Teams

  2. Create a Team called Team Boutique and add yourself as a member:

Assign all Services to the new Team

  1. Navigate to Site Reliability Operations > Services > Unasigned Services

  2. Set the Operational Status for each Service to Operational

  3. Set the Support Group for each Service to Team Boutique

Review the Service Map

  1. Navigate to Site Reliability Operations > Site Reliability Ops Workspace

  2. Click on the Services Icon

  3. Click on the Boutique Service

  4. Clon on Relationships Tab

  5. Review the Boutique Service Map

    Boutique Service Map