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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Dataflow
  3. Components
  4. Next Steps


Bridge the gap between distributed DevOps/SRE teams and centralized ServiceNow platform owner teams by automatically generating Change Requests. Utilize data from your existing CI/CD tools against sophisticated change policies to accelerate your pipeline.



  1. Create a Work Item in Azure Boards and note the Work Item ID (e.g. AB#14) and assign the item to a developer.
  2. Make your code and configuration changes and commit your changes to GitHub.

NOTE: Makes sure to set the commit message to the Work Item ID relating the code change to the Azure Boards work item.

  1. Trigger the ADO Pipeline to start the build and deployment of your changes.
  2. Service is built and the Docker image is published to Docker Hub ready for final deployment.
  3. The ADO Pipeline pauses, and a Change Request is automatically generated in ServiceNow for approval.
  4. The Change Request is reviewed in ServiceNow and approved after reviewing all the changes.
  5. The ADO Pipline is released and the Docker image is deployed to the Azure Kubernetes environment


Component Description
Azure DevOps Boards Microsoft Azure Backlog tracking tool for your distributed teams.
GitHub Source Control Leading Source Code hosting platform for Version Control & Collaboration for your distributed teams.
Azure DevOps Pipelines Microsoft Azure Pipelines used to continuously Build, Test, and Deploy to any Platform and Cloud.
Docker Hub Leading Docker Public Registry for finding and sharing Docker Container Images with your distributed teams.
ServiceNow DevOps Change Velocity ServiceNow Change Automation for your Cloud Native Source code.
ServiceNow DevOps Config ServiceNow Change Automation for your Cloud Native Configurations & Properties.
Azure Kubernetes Microsoft Azure mananaged Kubernetes Cluster for your Cloud Native Workloads.

Next Steps

  • Follow the Guide to implement in your environment.